Katowice (Poland)
population: 281 711 (2021) partnership agreement signed: 1960, renewed 1996 web sites: www.katowice.eu main areas of cooperation: commercial industrial cooperation, environment, urbanism and urban renewal, science, culture, sport and tourism

population: 563 311 (2022) partnership agreement signed: 1971, renewed 1995 web sites: www.dresden.de main areas of cooperation: culture, youth, education

Split (Croatia)
population: 160 577 (2021) partnership agreement signed: 1976 web sites: www.split.hr main areas of cooperation: culture, safe transport in Europe

Piraeus (Greece)
population: 168 151 (2021) partnership agreement signed: 1996 web sites: www.piraeus.org main areas of cooperation: commercial industrial cooperation, transport connection, investment, environment, urbanism and urban renewal, science, culture, sport and tourism

Coventry (Great Britain)
population: 353 200 (2016) partnership agreement signed: 1957, renewed 1990 web sites: www.coventry.gov.uk/ main areas of cooperation: education, cooperation of economic chambers, environment

Košice (Slovakia)
population: 229 040 (2021) partnership agreement signed: 2001 web sites: www.kosice.sk main areas of cooperation: urbanism and urban renewal, strategic planning, revitalization of industrial areas, environment, education, culture, science, sport, tourism

Miskolc (Hungary)
population: 145 248 (2023) partnership agreement signed: 2001 web sites: www.miskolc.hu main areas of cooperation: revitalization of industrial areas, urbanism and urban renewal, environment, education, culture, science, sport, tourism

Pittsburgh (USA - Pennsylvania)
population: 300 431 (2021) partnership agreement signed: 2001 web sites: pittsburghpa.gov main areas of cooperation: revitalization of industrial areas, ecology
Uralsk (Kazakhstan)
population: 234 169 (2019) partnership agreement signed: 2008 main areas of cooperation: commercial, economicscientific and technical cooperation, environment, sport, tourism, small and medium business

Shreveport (USA - Louisiana)
population: 184 021 (2021) partnership agreement signed: 13.11.2015 web sites: http://www.shreveportla.gov/
main areas of cooperation: science, technology and technique, culture

Gaziantep (Turkey)
populataion: 1 680 723 (2022)
partnership agreement signed: 9.11.2012 web sites: www.gaziantep-bld.gov.tr
main areas of cooperation: support for the development of economic relations, culture
Abomey (Benin)
population: 67 885 (2013)
partnership agreement signed: 2. 3. 2012
main areas of cooperation: urbanism and urban renewal, strategic planning, support of business activities, environment, aktivity of self-governing bodies, education, culture, tourism, sport