Maryna and Alina Ivankova: We’ve been impressed by Ostrava’s Expat Centre, which has helped us to meet other expats and promote our business
When creating Ostrava’s new Strategic Plan, we haven’t only been asking for the opinions of local people and those who’ve lived in the city for many years. We’re also keen to hear the thoughts of expats – foreigners who may only have arrived in Ostrava recently, but whose international experience has the potential to make a huge contribution to our city’s development. Among these expats are Maryna and Alina Ivankova from Ukraine – a mother and daughter who last year opened the “Royal Candy” cake shop in Ostrava city centre.
The City is not increasing its local property tax coefficient for private citizens
At the September session of the City Assembly, representatives approved a new municipal ordinance defining the coefficients that are used to calculate local property taxes. From 1 January 2024, the local coefficient for Ostrava will be set at 1.7 for zones of heavy industry.
Modernization of the Poruba Sports Centre is now complete
The project to modernize the Poruba Sports Centre is now complete, and the complex offers state-of-the-art modern facilities for a wide range of sports activities. The reconstruction work also created new roadways and walkways as well as all essential facilities for users.
Ostrava invites to EXPO REAL in Munich
EXPO REAL is one of the world’s premier investment events, attracting tens of thousands of visitors from over 70 countries all around the world. This year, Ostrava will again participate as part of the “Czech Cities & Regions” exhibition, held jointly with Prague and the Moravian-Silesian Region.
Зміни у наданні допомоги біженцям з України
З 1.7.2023 року відбуваються зміни у наданні допомоги біженцям з України. Ці зміни стосуються, серед іншого, порядку надання житла.
Updated MOODY’s rating for the City of Ostrava: AA3/negative
In June 2023, the rating agency Moody's updated the City of Ostrava's credit rating, confirming its score as Aa3 with negative outlook.
Ostrava is sharing knowledge and experience in the field of metropolitan cooperation
April 2023 saw the launch of the project “Strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governence in Central Europe”. The project will run for three years, and the City of Ostrava is participating in order to share knowledge and experience as well as gaining valuable feedback in the field of metropolitan cooperation.
Ostrava’s 2023 budget will include record income and expenditure topping 14 billion CZK
The City of Ostrava’s draft budget for 2023 will comprise 14.318 billion CZK in total, of which 34.3% will go to investment projects. The City’s capital budget for next year (including loan capital) will be the largest in Ostrava’s history, at 4.908 billion CZK.
New City grant programme will support the revitalization of empty buildings and the construction of new apartments
The City of Ostrava is launching a new grant programme to support private owners of real estate, with the aim of breathing new life into buildings that have been empty and unused for a long time while also expanding the available range of rental apartments in the city.
Two more companies have set up R&D labs in Ostrava
The Vitesco Technologies lab will create 30 new jobs, and the neighbouring Lumax Industries Limited R&D centre will create a further 20 jobs – helping to expand the range of options for science and technology graduates in Ostrava.
New greenery planted at the Dubina terminal
The Dubina public transport terminal is set to undergo a major transformation. Planting of new greenery began in September; it will help make the terminal a more pleasant place to be as well as improving public spaces for all citizens.
Ostrava’s Medical Faculty opens a new simulation centre
The Medical Faculty at the University of Ostrava has opened a new training centre at a cost of more than 250 million CZK. The centre will simulate a range of hospital situations, enabling future medics and other health care specialists to gain valuable experience before entering a real hospital environment.
Ostrava City Hospital has launched construction of a new building with a hyperbaric chamber
When complete, the hospital’s new hyperbaric oxygen chamber will be able to treat around 30% more patients than previously, and the Hyperbaric Medicine Centre will rank among the most modern facilities of its type in the country.
Contera opens a new logistics park in Hrušov
Contera has completed the first two buildings at its new development Contera Park Ostrava D1 in the city’s Hrušov district. The buildings will be used primarily for light industrial production and warehousing.
A new garden has been created at the Plato Gallery
Work on a new garden has now been completed at the revitalized former city slaughterhouse complex, which has been converted into the home of the Plato contemporary art gallery.
New Mošnov terminal offers a unique combination of road, rail and air transport
A unique new combined transport terminal has now opened at Ostrava Airport Multimodal Park, part of the Mošnov Industrial Zone. The terminal will facilitate the shift away from road transport and towards rail freight.
The Bazaly mural is now complete
After 25 days of intense work, a team of ten people headed by the Ostrava street artist Bogy completed a brand-new mural on a retaining wall flanking the road above Baník Ostrava’s Bazaly football stadium.
The first phase of construction work at Ostravica-Textilia is complete
The reconstruction project at the former Ostravica-Textilia department store has now entered its next phase. The investor (the developer Ivančice property a.s.) and the general building contractor (Bystroň Group a.s.) recent gave a progress update, including an outline of the work planned for the upcoming winter months, which will focus mainly on the interiors. Monitoring inspections are held on a weekly basis to ensure that the construction work is proceeding as planned and to the required quality.
Černá Louka is set to undergo a major transformation
Clear rules and guidelines for the future development of the Černá Louka (Black Meadow) area in central Ostrava are to be defined by a new urban planning study. In 2022 the City tasked the Municipal Studio for Spatial Planning and Architecture (MAPPA) with drawing up this detailed document.
Ostrava is again presenting a range of investment opportunities at EXPO REAL in Munich
EXPO REAL in Munich is Europe’s premier event in the real estate investment sector. In the previous two years the event was hit by COVID-related restrictions, but this year Ostrava – together with Prague and the Moravian-Silesian Region – is once again able to take part in a joint presentation entitled Czech Cities & Regions.