Visitors to Ostrava’s zoo will be able to use a new parking garage from next year

12/7 2022

Visitor numbers at Ostrava’s zoo and botanical park continue to grow, and this brings problems with parking. Especially at weekends, the zoo’s current parking facilities are completely unable to meet demand. The situation is now being addressed by the construction of a new parking garage; work is set to begin in the upcoming days.

Visitors to Ostrava’s zoo will be able to use a new parking garage from next year

The new garage will be situated between two of the zoo’s current parking lots (no. 2 and no. 3). Once complete, it will provide 200 new parking spaces, making visitors’ experience much more comfortable if they arrive by car. The garage will include toilets (including barrier-free facilities).


The winner of the tender for the construction contract was PSG Construction, which committed to build the garage within 43 weeks. This means that by May 2023, the zoo will be able to offer substantially improved parking facilities.


The garage will have two levels (including roof parking), and its upper surface will be on the same level as the existing parking lots (nos. 2 and 3). For the next six months, the construction work will cause complications at parking lot no. 3 (which is the furthest away from the entrance to the zoo), which will be closed to the public from 20 June.