Dining and Café

Places to eat

restaurOstrava has become a city of culinary delights. This is because the food is generally of high standards, and the atmosphere is very pleasant. In such a big city the number of restaurants is naturally enormous, ranging from the very famous restaurants to the less expensive trattorie or pizzerie. Whether you are looking to enjoy classical Czech food, regional specialities or international cuisine, Ostrava has what you are looking for.

The main street for wining, dining and having a great time is Stodolní Street, in the heart of the city. It boasts over 70 bars and restaurants in an area covering just a few blocks. Other dining establishments with cuisine from around the world dot the city. Fast food restaurants are concentrated in the centre and in the city´s shopping malls.

The city´s growing collection of wine shops mean that Ostrava can provide aficionados with the best wines from Moravia, Europe and the rest of the world. Ostrava´s coffee shops are a great way to start the morning, its tea-rooms are pleasant way to relax after a hard day´s work.

And a visit to the region would not be complete without a pint of the local beer, “Ostravar”, which has been brewed in the city since way back in 1897.

Czech Specials Project
czechspecialsThe CzechTourism agency, in conjunction with the Czech Association of Hotels and Restaurants and the Czech Association of Chefs and Confectioners, has created an exciting new project called ‘Taste the Czech Republic’ (Czech Specials). The project is aimed at all lovers of good food and drink, whether residents or visitors to the country. The aim of the project is to promote a return to the roots of typical Czech regional cuisine based on top-quality ingredients, highlighting both national and local specialities – food which will captivate Czech and foreign guests alike, transforming them into keen gastrotourists. Gastrotourism is one of the most important facets of the modern tourism industry. It represents a key segment of the industry in traditional European destination countries, where it has proved its worth as a valuable part of the overall tourism package.

The ‘Taste the Czech Republic’ project i nvolves a large number of organizations from all over the country. Participating organizations receive a certificate and can also enjoy a range of other benefits, including presentations on www.czechspecials.cz and www.ochutnejtecr.cz as well as in various printed materials.

For more information see www.czechspecials.cz

Dining and café tips

Name                                                       Address                       Webpage                                                       
Agiu Georgiou ( greek tavern)                                             Nábřeží SPB 60       www.agiu-georgiu.com
Bamboo Restaurant (international cuisine) Hornopolní 3313/42 www.bamboorestaurant.cz
Benada Restaurant (Clarion Congress Hotel) Zkrácená 2703 www.clarioncongresshotelostrava.com
Buena Vista Restaurant   Kpt. Vajdy 3046/2 www.restaurant-buena-vista.cz
Café au pere tranquille (French café) Musorgského 8 www.aucafe.cz
Cocktail Restaurant Dlouhá 100ry Nádražní 18 www.clubland.cz
Comedor Mexicano (Mexican restaurant) Zámecká 20 www.comedor.cz
Greek Restaurant Deplhi  28. Října 1517/137 www.restaurantdelphi.cz
Harenda u Barborky (stylish restaurant at the Mining museum) Pod Landekem 64 www.harenda-u-barborky.cz
Hostinec Lhotka Petřkovická 125 www.hostineclhotka.cz
Koras (culinary specialities, International cuisine) Soukenická 9 www.korasrestaurant.cz
Legend (Mamaison Business & Conference Hotel Imperial Ostrava) (luxury restaurant in Art Noveau style) Tyršova 6 www.mamaison.com/imperial
Lotos Restaurant (chinese, thai restaurant) Škrétova 2013/1 www.lotosrestaurant.cz
Moravská chalupa (stylish restaurant with regional specialities) Musorgského 9 www.moravskachalupa.cz
Ojero - vegan restaurant  Poděbradova 23 www.ojero.cz
Pellegrino (italian restaurant) Pavlovova 3048/40  www.ristorante-pellegrino.cz
Restaurace a pivnice U Kocoura (specialities that go down well with wine and beer) Jurečkova 10 www.restaurantukocoura.cz
Restaurace Club Slunečnice (Czech and International cuisine) Na Pečonce 1903/21 www.restaurantslunecnice.com
Restaurace Domu kultury Akord Náměstí SNP 1 www.dk-akord.cz/cz/page-restaurace/
Restaurant Korunní Korunní 56 --------
Restaurace K-TRIO Dr. Martínka 1439/4 www.kzoj.cz
Restaurace Pod Klenbami Masná 1752/6 http://www.hotel-bonum.cz/restaurace-pod-klenbami.php
Restaurace Roxbery Ocelářská 33 www.roxbery.cz
Restaurace Ruby Blue Stodolní 11  www.rubyblue.cz
Restaurace Stará kuželna (Czech cuisine) Na Baranovci 5 www.stara-kuzelna.cz
Stella Marina (Italian restaurant) Sokolská 966/22 www.stellamarina.cz
Zaječský vinný sklep (stylish wine cellar) 28. října 2020/231 www.vinarnanosreti.cz
Zámek Zábřeh (traditional Czech cuisine in chateau, local brewery) U zámku 42/1  www.zamek-zabreh.cz/


 Amadeus Café 28. října 1093/204 www.amadeuscafe.cz
 Bird café Hlavní třída 557/87 www.birdcafe.cz
 Bolt Tower Café Ruská 2993 www.dolnivitkovice.cz/36/cs/node/3922
 Bon Bon Chocolaterie Jantarová 3344/4 www.boncaffe.cz
 Cafe 43 U Soudu 6200/19 http://cafe43.cz
 Café Au Pére Tranquille Musorgského 839/8 www.aucafe.cz
 Café Becher Smetanovo náměstí 222/8 --------------------
 Café Beseda Jurečkova 1811/18 www.galeriebeseda.cz
 Café+ Českobratrská 17 www.cafeplus.cz/kontakt
Co kdyby…  Porubská 6132/19 www.ostrava.cokdyby.cz
Costa Coffee Jantarová 3344/4 www.costa-coffee.cz
Craperie u kávového zrnka   Přívozská 1787/30 www.creperieuzrnka.cz
Cukrárna Ollies  Výstavní 2968/108, Porubská 709/14 www.ollies.cz
Cukrárna u Babičky  Masarykovo náměstí1498/4 www.cukrarnaubabicky.cz
Černá Hvězda Stodolní 2 www.cernahvezda.com
Elektra café Nádražní 305/5 www.jtbankacafe.cz
Euro Café  Sokolská třída 1263/24 --------------------
Industrial café  Zahradní 10 www.industrialcafe.cz
Kavárna Atlantik  ČS. Legií 7 www.klubatlantik.cz/kavarna.aspx
Kavárna Daniel  Žerotínova 1230/1 www.kavarnadaniel.com
Kavárna Pohoda  Nádražní 27 www.kavarnapohoda.cz
Kavárna Stará Aréna  28. října 49/23 www.staraarena.cz/kavarna
La Corse  Škroupova 536/6 www.lacorse.cz
La Petite Conversation   Chelčického 8 www.lapeco.cz
Laura coffee  Horní 55 www.lauracoffee.cz
Mapami  Dvořákova 26 www.mapami.cz
Minikino Kavárna  Kostelní 3 www.minikino.cz
Mléčný bar NAPROTI  Zeyerova 2572/1 www.naproti.com
Modrá myš  Stodolní 876/8 www.modramys.cz
Na kávičku   Hlavní třída 840/62 www.na-kavicku.cz
Ostravanka Coffee Shop č.1  Milíčova 2 www.ostravanka.cz
Ostravanka Coffee Shop č.2  Forum Nová Karolina www.ostravanka.cz
Ostravanka Coffee Shop č.3  Prokešovo nám. 2 www.ostravanka.cz
Polo Caffé  Masarykovo náměstí 2 https://cs-cz.facebook.com/polocaffe
Provence  V. Jiříkovského 285/46 www.kavarna-provence.cz/010-uvod.html
QALT CAFÉ Přívozská 158/3 www.qaltcafe.cz
Sádrový Ježek  Janáčkova 4 www.sadrovy-jezek.cz
Sedmé nebe  Chelčického 3 -------------